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1 year...12 months...52 weeks...366 days...8,784 hours...527,040 minutes...31,622,400 seconds

However you care to look at the math, that's how long the year 2020 (a leap year, if you forg0t) has lasted. And if everyone's Facebook posts are any indication, most of us can't wait to watch 2020 sputter and fizzle out like the flames on the birthday cake we didn't get to share with our family and friends. It would also seem we're all feeling hopeful that 2021 will bring better days and positive changes for us all.

We'll see a new president inaugurated into office on January 20th, and a new Commander-in-Chief always means a new way of doing business at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We're already seeing the long-awaited vaccines being distributed to frontline medical workers and our first responders (the hubby got his first one yesterday) with the promise of millions more in the coming months. We pray we'll begin to see the number of daily Covid deaths decrease by huge numbers until there are none. We hope people who lost jobs, businesses, and homes due to the pandemic will start to recover and get back on their feet. And I personally hope we've all learned to slow down, appreciate the simple things in life a little more, and never take even the smallest things for granted.

Usually on the last day of the year, I reflect on the things I did and did not accomplish over the past 366 days. Since this outgoing year was anything but usual, I'm breaking from my norm and choosing to only focus on the things I DID.

I did launch my website and start this blog (February).

I did finish writing Book Two of my cozy mystery series (March).

I did finish writing my first children's book (May).

I did start a new job at my wonderful veterinarian's office (July).

I did tackle remote teaching, learning to use technology I never knew existed (August).

I did manage to get Covid despite being extremely careful (October).

I did celebrate my 55th birthday (November).

I did manage to get a blood clot in my left leg (December).

I did retire from my 34-year teaching career.


(We're in the contract negotiation stage, so I'll share more when I can. Please keep

fingers crossed it all works out).

I know, I know. I buried the lead (as my oldest niece accused when I did the same thing to my family when I told them this news). I appreciate so many of you have been with me from the beginning of this blog and have patiently waited to hear something positive in my journey to becoming a published author. I wanted the announcement to grab your attention and surprise you just as the offer from the publisher shocked me. Now, it's not a 'done deal', but it feels like one step closer to my goal of seeing my novel on the bookstore shelf.

So bring on 2021 and everything the new year has in store. I wish each of you a year full of love, happiness, laughter, good health, and maybe even some new beginnings for each of you. Have a very Happy New Year, stay safe out there, and please come back to see me in 2021.

Until next time,



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Jan 01, 2021

This is so exciting Jodi!! I can't wait to come to your first reading post pandemic.


Jan 01, 2021

Congratulations!! That is great news on the publisher!

Happy New Year!!

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