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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Aug 17, 20204 min read
Hello all! I hope you're doing well and enjoying these last weeks of summer safely with masks and social distancing. It's going to take...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Aug 12, 20205 min read
I hope today's post finds you all safe, healthy, and happy. I know for a lot of us that "happy" part is sometimes hard to achieve during...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Aug 6, 20204 min read
I hope none of you faint from shock since I'm posting another blog within four days of the last one! I stated in the last post that I'm...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Aug 2, 20206 min read
I cannot believe how the time has flown since my last entry. I honestly don't know how people find the time to blog multiple times a...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Jul 19, 20206 min read
Hello all and welcome back to those who've visited my website and blog before. If this is your first visit, thanks for stopping in and I...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Jul 5, 20204 min read
#Welcometomyjourney #travisandtrent
Good afternoon everyone! I hope today's post finds you all happy, healthy, and safe. With yesterday having been the Fourth of July and...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Jun 28, 20205 min read
#welcometomyjourney #food+friends=fun
Good evening everyone! I hope you've all had an enjoyable weekend as we all continue to social distance and stay safe. I don't know how...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Jun 19, 20203 min read
#welcometomyjourney #STRONG
Hello all and I hope you're doing well. To those who have been here before, I thank you for coming back. If this is your first visit, I'm...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Jun 10, 20205 min read
#welcometomyjourney #Iamawriter
Hello again everyone. I hope today finds you all still staying safe and healthy. As our state and country begin opening up, I worry about...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Jun 4, 20205 min read
#welcometomyjourney #Pitmad
Good morning everyone! To all who've read my blog before, thank you for coming back. If this is your first visit, welcome and I hope you...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Jun 1, 20203 min read
#welcometomyjourney #good friends
Hello all! I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy during these difficult times (which just seem to keep getting harder,...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
May 25, 20204 min read
#welcometomyjourney #belikemsjasmine
Happy Memorial Day to you all and a special thank you to all the veterans for their service to our country. I realize this isn't a...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
May 20, 20205 min read
#Welcometomyjourney #powerofpositivity
Hello everyone and thanks for coming back to my blog. To any newcomers, welcome and I hope you'll like what you read. If this is your...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
May 14, 20207 min read
#welcometomyjourney #rejectionnevergetseasier #dogsmakelifebetter
Hello everyone. I hope you are still hanging in there and staying safe. Here in Illinois, we continue to shelter in place per our...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
May 4, 20207 min read
#welcometomyjourney #itallstartedwithmymom
Hello all! I hope no one is falling over in complete shock that I"m blogging again within 5 days of my last one! I truly appreciate those...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Apr 29, 20205 min read
#welcometomyjourney #whenitrainsitpours
Hello everyone! I hope this blog post finds you and your loved ones both safe and healthy. Those of you who've read my posts in the past...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Apr 16, 20203 min read
Good evening all! I hope this post finds you and your loved ones safe, happy, and healthy as we continue to practice social distancing....
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Apr 5, 20206 min read
Hello to you all and I hope this post finds you all staying safe and healthy. I don't know about your current situations, but my home...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Mar 24, 20202 min read
#welcometomyjourney #lifeinterrupted
Hello friends and readers! It's been 15 days since my last post, and I can only offer my deepest apologies. This thing we call LIFE has...
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Jodi Casstevens-Short
Mar 8, 20205 min read
Happy Sunday and I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! Did everyone remember to set their clocks ahead one hour? As the wife of...
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